A Foundational Calling

Simon Peter, in obedience to the Master's instruction, cast his net into the deep. One might think he'd won the lottery with the loads of fish retrieved. Instead, Simon Peter recognizes his own sinfulness and leaves everything - his boat, nets, and fish - to follow his Lord.
Simon Peter, in obedience to the Master's instruction, cast his net into the deep.  One might think he'd won the lottery with so much fish that it broke the fishermen's nets and began to sink their boats!   Instead, Simon Peter acknowledges his own sinfulness and falls at the knees of Jesus.

Fr. Timothy Lowe reminds us that only the mercy of the Lord, in light of our own sinfulness, lays the foundation for a good beginning.  Whatever education and expertise we think we bring to our life's calling, we are challenged by Simon Peter who was willing to leave everything - his boat, nets, and fish - to follow his Lord. But it's only a beginning. And a good beginning doesn't make a hero. After baptism, there's more to the story.
© Copyright 2021 Hollie Benton