Lust for Power

Every leader seeks be surrounded by trustworthy people, but tests of loyalty and demands for allegiance will likely backfire as it does for King Saul.
Leaders feel exposed and vulnerable when they must forge ahead, so they surround themselves with people they can trust. But no one trusts a leader who derails the mission to the community in order to accomplish a personal mission of power and control. When loyalty is tested and allegiance demanded, only fear and jealousy of the leader is revealed just as we see in the story of King Saul. 

Andrea Bakas demonstrates how the Book of Samuel subtly reveals even our own lust for power as we find ourselves rooting for the young David and his rise to power against the suspicious and paranoid King Saul.  We quickly forget that the Lord warns his people about their rebellion against Him in seeking an earthly king who constantly abuses his power on the backs of those he rules. 
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