Wash One Another's Feet

Fr. Timothy Lowe, former Rector of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem, exegetes the passage of John 13 where Christ's teaching in the washing of the feet of his disciples replaces the Eucharistic element expressed in the other Gospels.
The story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples is unique to the Gospel of John and replaces the Eucharistic element expressed in the other Gospels.  Jesus demonstrates that unity in love and compassion is essential within the leadership hierarchy for the witness of the gospel. He instructs His disciples to behave according to the Gospel message they carry, urging them "to wash one another's feet." 

Fr. Timothy Lowe, former Rector of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem, exegetes John 13, and reminds us that this intimate act of service and love is transformative for all who hear and do as the Lord instructs. 
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